Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Time Management Journal Prompt"

Step 1: Reflection
What are your 2-3 biggest challenges to staying on track with your time? Explain.

My 2-3 biggest challenges to staying on track with my time are work, not feeling like doing anything and the way I change my mind all of a sudden. My biggest problem is that I never have enough time to do anything because I do work a lot. For example, I am a full time student in college and a full time at work. This does make it a lot more difficult for me to stay on track with my time. Sometimes I don’t feel like I could accomplish much due to the fact that I must fit work, homework, chores, school, family and many more things in one day. In order for me to try and stay on track with my time I need to plan everything a day before and set times on when I could do what I have to do. Not only do I plan it I must right it down so I can make sure that I stay on track with my time. There is those times when I don’t feel like doing anything and giving up specially when I work over the time I am suppose to or when an emergency occurs. I know I should push myself into tracking my time more or into not giving up but it does become more difficult for me in certain situations. When it comes down to tracking my time I feel like I should just suddenly change my mind about things and just simple quit my job, quit school or forget about the fact that I have family responsibilities. Even though I end up talking myself into not quitting because I was always taught to never give up this does effect the way I track my time. I do believe I should find a better way to track my time so it won’t be as difficult as it is now. Considering the fact that I could find a better way to track my time should be able to make my day go by easier.

Step 2: Goal Setting
Then, pick one of those challenges and set a long-term goal to address that challenge. Include two short-term goals that help you reach your long-term goal.

My long term goal is to find a better way to track my time in a more settled way. That is if I cut my school hours in two half or even cut some of my work hours. I feel that by doing this it is going to help me manage my time better and even help me concentrate better in work or in my school work. I would release a lot of my stress and clear out my brain by cutting some of my hours in either work or school. I would probably be able to accomplish my goals a lot faster rather then the way I am currently trying to do this. That is if it is one of my long term goals or short term goals. Hopefully by changing some of things I would be able to accomplish my long and short term goal.

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