Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Qoute Response # 5

Tuition Help for the Unemployed Gains Traction
By Anne Fisher,,8816,1892893,00.html

New Words:
"People filing for unemployment benefits would be notified that tuition assistance may be available to them, and colleges that volunteer to participate would register with DOL for reimbursement, which Casey says would come from existing funds already allocated to job retraining in the department's budget."

"Senate Democrats are working to build bipartisan support for the bill and expect to move it forward in the coming months."

Definition entries for new words from Longman Advanced Dictionary:

Allocated: To officially state that something that must be used for a particular activity.

Bipartissan: involving two political parties, especially parties with opposing views.

Explain what the words mean in the way they are used in the sentence you chose:

Allocated is used to show how the money is being used and offered to a particular group of people such as unemployed people. Just like Allocate Bipartisan is used to explain that both parties such as Democrats and Republicans are going to build and work in passing this bill to actually see two different views of what is the right thing to do.

New Idea:

"Why not study and get qualified to do something that will be marketable later?"

Just by reading this qoute I came to realize that people no a days are more open to getting and achieving a better education. I feel that it is a better opportunity to learn new things and for people who are currently unemployed to learn new things that they are not aware of such as the latest technology and new ways of doing a job better. Hopefully this could help all unemployed people to move up in a job or a position.

Tie- In:

"I've always thought about going back to school, but I probably wouldn't have done it if I hadn't gotten laid off."

This is a qoute that I have heard many of times. My mother has repeated that phrase many time. She was laid off from work in 2008 due to how bad the economy was getting. This affected me in the way that I was young and I felt like I needed all the regular stuff I was used to receiving such as new clothes everyweek and just everything I wanted. So she said to herself that going back to school would help her learn new things and even gain more confidence in her job. She said just like many other people that I know that they would had never went back to schoool but now that they had no jobs and didn't have any luck finding them they decided to go back to school.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Qoute Response # 4

Should Students Be Paid for Good Grades?
By Laura Fitzpatrick,8816,1871528,00.html

New Words:

“And the participants who were first offered cash incentives in spring 2004 — and thus whose progress was tracked for longer than that of subsequent groups before Hurricane Katrina abruptly forced researchers to suspend the survey for several months in August 2005 — were also more likely than their peers to be enrolled in college a year after they had finished the two-term program.”

Definition entries for new words from Longman Advanced Dictionary:

- Subsequent: coming after or following something else. 2. After something.
- Abruptly: sudden and unexpressive

Explain what the words mean in the way they are used in the sentence you chose:

The word subsequent is shown to explain that it is being followed by other groups. For example, this is before the following of the Hurricane Katrina therefore it helps explain how the word subsequent is used and how it clears up by confusion. And in the word abruptly it is said that they were forced to suspend the survey so it means that it was all of a sudden unexpectedly I could see this word also meaning like a surprise or something that was not expected like the survey to be all of the sudden canceled.

New Idea:

“Students offered cash incentives in the Louisiana program didn't just enroll in more classes; they earned more credits and were more likely to attain a C average than were non participants.”

With this idea it shows me that there is many ways to convince students to attend school and even stay longer in school. This is a good way to prove professors and people around that there is a motivation in students to keep attending students and that there is nothing that could now stop us as students to receive more credits and to show a improvement academically. This is also a way that Louisiana could improve their standing in their education percentages and to show that it is a good thing to have a program that motivates students to take more classes as to getting paid for attending and receiving a passing grade. I would personally participate in a program like this and I am sure that my grades would be higher then what they are now simply because I know I will receive an award for it.

Tie in:

“Faced with soaring bills for tuition, books and housing, many college students need a job just to get by. In the Louisiana program, all the participants were low-income parents, three-quarters of whom were unmarried or living without a partner.”

In this economy I know I can use this type of extra money in my pocket I as well pay for bills, books and housing. It could be difficult in time to pay all those things in just few hours I work or the amount I am receiving in this moment. With the Louisiana program I am sure that it will motivate me to receive better grades and be able to stay in the standards needed to get pain for attending school and meeting the right requirements. These things prove that I go to work everyday because I need money to pay bills therefore I know that I am going to get rewarded back so I this program well help me maintain my self motivated specially because I know that I need the money and what a better way to receive it .

Friday, October 22, 2010

"Stress Management Journal Prompt"

Step 1: Reflection
Think about how well you manage stress. (For instance, do you know what your early warning signs are and whether you tend to pay attention to them?) Briefly discuss your stress management strengths and weaknesses. In a paragraph or less, describe how you plan to handle stress differently this term, if at all, after working through the activities in this unit.

When the time of having to pay bills comes I tend to stress more than usual. This time is usually at the end of the month. I notice that I am stressed because I start breaking out and I sleep less then usual. I manage this stress by relaxing and sitting down in my kitchen table. I usually have a notebook, calculator and a calendar in front of me so I can organize myself and get a total amount of how much I have to pay and the dates I need to send the payments. This has also affected me in my school work because when I am stressed I sleep less and I am always nervous. This makes me not only stressed outside of school but in this school because I loose concentration easier when I am stresses. I have tried to fix this by organizing myself before the bill payments our made. One of my strengths is that this has made me stronger as a person and I get to realize that I am a better person because I am getting to the point were I can finally control my stress management better then at the beginning when I started school and I had to start paying bills. Now that I have worked through these activities I found some new ways that I can deal with my stress. Some of these things are reading, talking to people and as simply as just setting myself to a better time management and this could help me to slowly release my stress. I know that if I think about it less and view it as a regular assignment I can grow through it and handle it better then just over reacting to me reality of stuff that I must do.

Step 2: Goal Setting
Set one long-term goal to manage your stress more effectively this term. Then, set two short-term goals that support the long-term goal. Remember to use SMART goal guidelines. If you need a review of SMART goals, visit the Student Resource Center and find the SMART goals link.

One long term goal I have set myself to doing is plan my stuff before hands. In this case I am going to plan and save the dates that I have to make the payments before hand and it will save me more time at the end of the month to do any other activities I have to do as well. This is including any type of homework assignment or any studying that has to be done for school. I should see results within the time goes by and the way I start to gain more sleep and how I could newly start to concentrate more in my classes. Not only is this going to help me mentally but physically as well. Two of my short term goals are to set my self a resting time and time for myself. This will help in not to get as stressed and to have more time to do more stuff. Therefore this is going to help me achieve my long term goal in many ways such as the way I handle the stuff and the way I could start finding the time to do my long term goal.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Time Management Journal Prompt"

Step 1: Reflection
What are your 2-3 biggest challenges to staying on track with your time? Explain.

My 2-3 biggest challenges to staying on track with my time are work, not feeling like doing anything and the way I change my mind all of a sudden. My biggest problem is that I never have enough time to do anything because I do work a lot. For example, I am a full time student in college and a full time at work. This does make it a lot more difficult for me to stay on track with my time. Sometimes I don’t feel like I could accomplish much due to the fact that I must fit work, homework, chores, school, family and many more things in one day. In order for me to try and stay on track with my time I need to plan everything a day before and set times on when I could do what I have to do. Not only do I plan it I must right it down so I can make sure that I stay on track with my time. There is those times when I don’t feel like doing anything and giving up specially when I work over the time I am suppose to or when an emergency occurs. I know I should push myself into tracking my time more or into not giving up but it does become more difficult for me in certain situations. When it comes down to tracking my time I feel like I should just suddenly change my mind about things and just simple quit my job, quit school or forget about the fact that I have family responsibilities. Even though I end up talking myself into not quitting because I was always taught to never give up this does effect the way I track my time. I do believe I should find a better way to track my time so it won’t be as difficult as it is now. Considering the fact that I could find a better way to track my time should be able to make my day go by easier.

Step 2: Goal Setting
Then, pick one of those challenges and set a long-term goal to address that challenge. Include two short-term goals that help you reach your long-term goal.

My long term goal is to find a better way to track my time in a more settled way. That is if I cut my school hours in two half or even cut some of my work hours. I feel that by doing this it is going to help me manage my time better and even help me concentrate better in work or in my school work. I would release a lot of my stress and clear out my brain by cutting some of my hours in either work or school. I would probably be able to accomplish my goals a lot faster rather then the way I am currently trying to do this. That is if it is one of my long term goals or short term goals. Hopefully by changing some of things I would be able to accomplish my long and short term goal.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Qoute Response # 3

Quote Response for: When Bullying Goes Criminal
By NANCY GIBBS, found here:,8816,1978773,00.html

New Words:

[The attacks on Phoebe were orchestrated and unrelenting; they "far exceeded the limits of normal teenage relationship-related quarrels," Scheibel charged.]

Definition entries for new words from Longman Advanced Dictionary:

-Orchestrated: To carefully organize an event or a complicated plan, especially secretly: adj.

-Unrelenting; 1. A bad situation that is unrelenting continues for a long time without stopping. 2. Continuing to do something in a determined without thinking about anyone else’s feelings.

Explain what the words mean in the way they are used in the sentence you chose:

-In this sentence orchestrated is used to explain how this was a plan an organization by a group of people in this case by a group of students.

-Unrelenting meaning in this sentence is how Phoebe was in a situation that continued for a long time. Yet nobody did anything about it in this case it is hurting Phoebes feelings and nobody is doing anything to stop it.

New Idea:

[Forty-one states have laws against bullying, and Congress is debating various federal versions. But it's unclear whether lawmakers are stepping in because bullying is more common or just more conspicuous.]

This idea helped me realize that we should take this law more seriously and actually enforce it more. If I had any type of authority in any school I would make it a strict rule that if any of the teachers or faculty hears any time of bullying they should immediately report it. This could stop these suicides among young people. I have a good understanding of what it can feels like to loose someone who committed suicide because she was being bullied in school. I didn’t even think that many states had such a law I think they should make it more public so schools could enforce it and follow this rule.


[Phoebe Prince went home, picked out a scarf her sister had given her for Christmas and hanged herself in a stairwell. Her sister found her.]

Tell a detailed story from your personal experience to explain the TIE-IN:

It was last year in 2009, when I received a call in school from my mom saying that my cousin had committed suicide. In my cousins situation it wasn’t because she was pretty or because she went out with the most popular most wanted football player, but it was over her over weight problem. She was bullied in a day to day basis over her weight problem. Therefore we couldn’t blame anyone due to the fact that we as a family did not do anything when we could of. I could say that if we would of drawn evn the teachers attention over this situation I think my cousin could of still been alive. Similar to this article she went home after school and did try to hang herself. As she realized that she wasn’t capable of doing that she instead overdosed. This was a very depressing story specially because we all know that there is still many people in this world being bullied. I know as a family member that going through this situation is hard so I hope that nobody goes through this experience.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quote Response # 2

TV for Babies: Does It Help or Hurt?
By Alice Park,8816,1882560,00.html

New Words:

-Early parenting choices are never clear-cut, and deciding whether to allow you're infant to watch television or DVDs ranks as one of the more perplexing.

-"Initially it looked like TV-viewing was associated with cognitive development," says Schmidt, "but in fact TV-viewing is an outgrowth of other characteristics of the home environment that lead to lower test scores."

Definition entries for new words from Longman Advanced Dictionary:

~Perplexing:questions, confused and worried by something that you cannot understand in a difficult way.

~Cognitive: formal or technical relating to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something.

Explain what the words mean in the way they are used in the sentence you chose:

-Perplexing is used in this sentence to explain that this is an article about some sort of confusion or question. This is well used in this sentence because just by re reading the sentence again you can get an idea that it has something to do with a miss understanding question.

-Cognitive is being representative in this sentence to show that they are now understanding and trying to prove a development on their topic. With this they are trying to say that they are narrowing it down to their final conclusion and that they are getting answers.

New Idea:

In her initial analysis, Schmidt found that babies who spent more time in front of the TV performed worse on language and motor-skill tests at age 3 than those who watched less.

This idea helped me realize how much it affects babies to watch T.V. I don’t think it’s correct for any type of school’s that is if we are talking about Head Start, Day Cares, Pre-K and other types of schools. If there has been studies that prove how bad it could affect the babies language and motor skills I think there should be something done in order to improve their speaking skills and simply just their education including their manners.


TV exposure in babies younger than 2 doesn't do any good, Schmidt and Christakis agree. But does that mean a few minutes in front of the tube will sentence a baby to remedial classes for the rest of his life?

Tell a detailed story from your personal experience to explain the TIE-IN:

I would say that I have a strong opinion over the question they asked. I have never been a fan of watching T.V. or being on the computer as another relative source to watching T.V. I am in remedial classes and I cannot say that it was because I watched too much T.V. or even because I slacked of in school. If I ever watched T.V. it was certainly less than a hour a week. I would of never thought I would be in remedial classes for college specially comparing to what all the test say in this article I just read I could not compare myself in any way to what I have just read. One thing I do agree with them is how I have two nephews and one does tend to make better grades and be a lot smarter versus the one that does watch a lot of T.V. I think this should be more public because am sure that not many parents are warned about how bad it is too have their babies watching T.V.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quote Response #1

Quote Response for "Magazine Essay Title" by Author's Full Name, found here:

New Words:

“ Maybe [Facebook users] are just prone to distraction. Maybe they are just procrastinators.” Karpinski told in a phone interview on Monday, April 13.

Definition entries for new words from Longman Advanced Dictionary:

•Prone: likely to do something or suffer from something, especially something bad or harmful.

•Procrastinators: to delay doing something that you ought to do, usually because you do not want to do it.

Explain what the words mean in the way they are used in the sentence you chose:

-Prone is used in a way that explains how Facebook users could suffer when it narrows down to their grades and GPA’s.

-This word is used in this sentence to show that students prefer to be online on Facebook rather then doing their homework or studying.

New Idea:

The study, which will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association on April 16, surveyed 219 undergraduate and graduate students and found that GPAs of Facebook users typically ranged a full grade point lower than those of nonusers — 3.0 to 3.5 for users versus 3.5 to 4.0 for their non-networking peers.

This idea helped me realize that I should spend less time on Facebook and that it is true. I agree that it could drop a students GPA. I have personally experienced were I am in the library and at least three people are on Facebook during school. It would be hard for me to understand that they where completely done with their homework or just didn’t have to study. In my case since I have a Facebook I know that I do get on it at least to check on the updates two times a day if not more.


John Kamin, 23, a student at Hofstra University in New York who uses Facebook, says it's "absurd" to associate the social network with poor grades or lack of aptitude. "It's a networking tool for people," says Kamin, who adds that he spends about an hour a day on Facebook, far less time than he spends playing the addictive game Brick Breaker on his BlackBerry — there's that question of users' distractability and tendency to procrastinate. But, Kamin says, "I don't think someone is more or less intelligent because they sign up for it."

Tell a detailed story from your personal experience to explain the TIE-IN:

In my experience with social networks including facebook as one, I would agree that it does take up a lot of your personal time and that it can be addicting. At work I have spent ten hours logged on to Facebook. Even while doing homework I always tend to have a tab opened. In respond to what the article said about lowering grades and GPA'S that could be true in most cases. To me I feel like it does effect my study time and that it could get to the point of lowering my grades.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Values/Goal Setting Journal Prompt

1. State two of your long-term academic goals. For each goal, develop three supporting short-term goals that follow SMART goal guidelines. For a review of SMART goals, see Practice 2. Identify the values that this goal supports. You might wish to review your Values list from Practice 1.

One of my academic goals is to maintain high academic standings.I want to have high grades and maintain my GPA high. I know that i must turn in all assignments in time and study as much as needed to reach my goal. My second academic goal is to graduate in six years and major in DEA Drug Enforcement Administration. One of my guides will be taking all classes in time necessary for for my major. I will have to ask for help from my teachers and administrators.

2. When I look at my long-term goals and my supporting short-term goals, I feel:

When I look at my long-term goals and my supporting short-term goals, I feel that i will be fully successful if i follow my dreams and i follow all the rules that will help me succeed.

3. Someone I can ask to be my support person and accountability partner is:

The person i can ask to be my support would be my mother. my mother has always supported me in all my decisions and has always helped me become a better person.

4. Some ways that I intend to keep myself motivated during my journey toward completing my long-term goals are:

One of the biggest things that keep me motivated during my journey toward completing my long-term goals are people surrounding me. They are always reminding me how much more successful I can be with an education rather then just a regular job. Coming to school everyday also motivates me in completing my long-term goal.

5. (Consider your first long-term goal.) The next time I will revisit one of my short-term goals to see how I’m doing is _____, and I will know whether I’m making the progress that I desire by examining ______________________________.

The next time I will revisit one of my short-term goals to see how I’m doing is once a week, and I will know whether I’m making the progress that I desire by examining closely to all my grades and keeping myself busy learning all the material needed.